Friday, April 4, 2008


Wildcat Weekly

Sebasticook Valley Middle School April 4, 2008


The Sebasticook Jazz Band and Show Chorus will be performing in the gym on Wednesday, April 9th, at 7:00 PM. This is your last chance to catch our young musicians and performers display their talents that they have worked so hard to perfect throughout the school year.

Lunch Bills

On each Friday, students owing hot lunch money will be given notices to take home. If a student owes more than one week, he/she will not be able to eat until the bill is paid. This is in accordance with MSAD#48 School Policy. If you have questions regarding your lunch status, please call the school office.

Cookie Dough Orders

Orders for cookie dough will be returned to school on April 10th. If you have big orders, you may want to plan to pick them up here at school rather than have your child take them on the bus. The fund raiser was a huge success and the staff would like to thank all that participated.

Change in School Calendar

Due to the number of snow days that we have experienced, the school calendar will change the end of the third quarter from March 28th to April 4th. This will mean that third quarter reports cards will be going home the week of April 7th.

The Show Chorus traveled to Lawrence High School for the State Competition last Saturday and placed third in their division.


DANCE at Sebasticook -April 12th, 7-9:00 PM, Grades 6-8

Menu for April 7 thru 11, 2008

Mon - Ravioli, Tue - Chicken Nuggets, Wed - Ham Italians, Thu - Pig-in-a-blanket, Fri - Pizza.

(PBJ's are a second option each day.)

ATV Safety Course

There will be a FREE ATV Safety Course at the Corinna Fire Annex for students ages 10-16 on Saturday, May 3rd. There will only be space enough for 50 people in the class, and all students must be accompanied by an adult. If interested call Judi Brooks at 278-3537 or Susan Stratton at 278-4157.

Energy Drinks a Concern - BE AWARE

More and more students are coming to school with "energy drinks". These drinks contain high levels of caffeine along with herbal supplements that lead to dehydration, squirminess, sassiness, or hyperactivity that may last as long as six hours. Caffeine is also addictive and may cause withdrawal symptoms including headaches, upset stomachs, and depressed moods. These drinks also contain high levels of sugar which contribute to obesity problems as well as cavities. Parents need to research the ingredients and be aware of what they are allowing their children to consume. These drinks were never meant to be used by children, but the companies are seeing a market here and are very clearly targeting them.

April Vacation - April 21 thru 25

Friday, April 18th - Teacher Workshop - No School

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